About Us

Who we are
We have established Brain Path Counseling under the concept of Research and Development from Dermatoglyphic theory and the application (DMIT) from the latest technology. We are dedicated to develop and provide the best computer assisted behavioural and medical biometric assessment, profiling and diagnostic aids base on the study of Dermatoglyphics. Developed countries USA, Sweden, Japan & Taiwan’s are using DMIT Test from long time. The DMIT Test has assisted lakhs of School, college students in Sweden, Indonesia, German, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.
What We Do
- Others will only talk and say,- We practically do !!
- They plan for future,-We deliver the results !!
- They Counsel and suggest,-We change the pattern of learning!!
Personal Counselling is a session where the client and the counselor come together with a common objective of meeting with the clients problem in a more developmental and effective way. This process leads to action on part of the counselor, personal growth of the client usually occurs and resolution of the problem is an expectation.
It helps people develop deeper self-knowledge, a change of attitude, a modification of self-perception and a modification of the perception of others. This also depends a lot on what kind of counselling is required by the individual. It can be personal counselling or career counselling varying from what is required by the individual. By understanding and interpreting the DMIT-R process and delivery/ communicating the report effectively.
Great People Quotes
“Children are not things to be molded, but are people to be unfolded.” — Jess Lair, author.
“Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.” — Margaret Mead, cultural anthropologist.
“Children are more than we think they are; they can do more than we think they can do. All they need is a vote of confidence from grownups, whom they will ultimately replace anyway. Their dream today will become the realities of tomorrow." - Wess Stafford
About Our Brains
The human brain is the most fascinating three pounds of matter on this Universe. During brain development, 250,000 neurons are added every minute. The right side of the brain controls the left side of the body and vice versa. The hemispheres are divided in terms of what kind of thought they process or produce.
Left side of the brain
Analytical thought
Detail Oriented Perception
Ordered Sequencing
Rational Thought
Right Field Vision
Rigtht Side Motor Skills

Right side of the brain
Intuitive Thought
Holistic Perception
Random Sequencing
Emotional Thought
Creative Writing/Art
Left Field Vision
Left Side Motor Skills

What is Multiple Intelligence ?
Medically it has been verified that the development of the brain, its lobesand fingerprints is done during the 7th and 21st week of pregnancy. Therefore there is a direct co-relation between the development of the brain and fingerprint. During the development the information is transcribed as our finger prints, that are unique for everyone.
With the Science of Dermatoglyphics one understands his or her hidden potential and talents. This is a science which studies the patterns of skins (dermal) ridges present on the fingers, toes and the soles of human. It reveals the congenital links between our fingers and our intrinsic qualities and talents. By analyzing dermatoglyphy, we can accurately understand the distribution and amount of cells in the left and right brain of the cell, and predict where the potential lies. Although everyone is bored with strengths and weaknesses; if they are identified early, we may further develop the strengths and improve our weakness, so that the left and right brain may grow in a more balanced and blend way.
DMIT Analysis
We are providing various reports that deal with family, relationships, children’s education, the corporate world and marital life.

Toddlers (age 1-4)
Knowing a toddler’s potentials at the early age will help parents make decisions on parenting charms and educational methods also you can understand the right parenting techniques and teaching style.

Children (age 4-12)
In this age, Children are curious to learn and they can absorb more than they will, when they grow older. Discovering their learning styles and areas of intelligences in this age gives a clue on what courses and activities they should spend more time on

Teenagers & Young Adults (age 12-25)
Discovering learning styles at this age can better enhance one’s learning experience. Subject and educational stream selection and reduces time, money, effort wasted over irrelevant course & classes.

Adult (age 25+)
This report comes with Skill Certification and can be used as a Certificate for the inborn skills of a person at the time of interview.The preferred age group for this report is 20 Years onwards.

Schools & Students
Helps in choosing right academic courses and suitable career path. Understand most effective ways and style of Learning. If followed suggestive tips one can choose and excel in desired career by overcoming weaknesses.

It helps in decision making of placing right person at the right place, reduces cost, increases healthy competition & create better corporate value.Happy and dedicated employees give better performances.

Benefits of DMIT Test for Students(Age group: 11 years to 17 years)
• Understand students intrinsic potential.• Know your creative and analytical mind. Right and left side of mind.
• Know your 9 Multiple Intelligence Distribution.
• Know Personal Quotients: IQ, EQ, CQ AQ and SQ.
• ATD perspective Analysis and Learning Sensitivity.
• Know your Best Learning Communication Characters.
• Comparison between right and left brain hemispheres.
• Identify your supplementary activities based on DMIT Report.
• Get Career guidance based upon your 9 Multiple Intelligences.
• Analysis of Strength and Weaknesses based on your brain lobes usages.
• Brain lobes analysis and DMIT Test Report suggest how to improve on your weaknesses.
• Know your preferred best Learning Style. Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learning Style.
Have any questions?
Whatsapp us right now and get your answer within a few hours.

Mid-Brain Activation Training
MBA is a technique that is used to Activate the MidBrain. The purpose MBA is to unleash the child potential through the activation of MidBrain. MidBrain is the bridge for linking up and balancing the functions of the left and right brain.
Activating it would allow both left and right brain to be used simultaneously. You may wish to call it as “Blind Fold Reading”, or “Blind Fold Study”, or “Blind Fold Viewing” etc., because the participants are blind folded during the training.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Dermatoglyphics?
Dermatoglyphics is a scientific analysis of fingerprint patterns. Fingerprints and dermal ridge pattern are unique with each individual. Even Fingerprints are differences between similar twins also. Discover your intrinsic potential by identifying the form and various types of styles on the finger.
What is Multiple Intelligence Test?
Multiple Intelligence is a scientific Method of understanding Brain Lobes and its usages Dr. Howard Gardner introduced 9 Multiple Intelligence in his book called Frames of Mind. Every person has a minimum of 9 Multiple Intelligence. Everybody has different ratios of Multiple Intelligence.
Can Dermatoglyphics test help me?
Dermatoglyphics tests help us understand people being tested for following faculties:
1.The structure of the superior order of brain function.
2.Learning how to operate a keen ability.
3.Visual, auditory, learning the proper channels.
4.Learning and education, communication patterns.
5.Eight multi-intelligence potential.
Sometimes parents do not understand their child's true potential. The tests help parents understand their child's clear mind and brain cells, the distribution and function of strength, grasps child's unique qualities and potential. Besides, they can also learn how children should be given proper learning environment so that we can follow according to the child's personality characteristics and the mode of communication for him/her to achieve the function of raising a child mind in order to enhance the learning outcomes. -
What can I know from the Fingerprint Analysis test about myself ?
This test could be for an adult or a child and it tells you about:
1.Your learning styles(Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic)
2.Your brain dominance ( Left or Right )
3.Your Personality traits and behaviour patterns
4.Your relationship compatibility with other personalities
5.Why children are opposed to your thoughts and ideas
6.Why children are over active or stubborn
7.What are my potential subjects for higher studies
8.What type of career will have scope to fulfil my potential
How accurate is the dermatoglyphics multiple intelligences test?
Dermatoglyphics is a professional industry that combines neurobiology, genetics and embryology. Fingerprint patterns are not random but are arranged according to individual genetic makeup.
Dermatoglyphics multiple intelligences test is scientifically proven. Besides, the data acquisition process is computerized. Therefore, we can achieve an accuracy of more than 90%. Striae formation and formation of brain are synchronized with the foetus in the mother's body in first 13 weeks to 19 weeks. It has been medically and clinically proven that striae and the existence of multiple intelligences are completely linked.
The proponent of multiple intelligences theory by Professor Howard Gardner states that multiple intelligences exist in the brain system and further identify the brain structures which are in-charge of the intelligence area. Therefore, sooner the child understands the situation of dermatoglyphics, better we can inspire and help the child's multiple intelligence development as soon as possible.
How will a Dermatoglyphics Assessment benefit me?
Every child possesses unique qualities and potential. We can teach the children better if we can understand their innate characteristics and aptitude through scientific methods. If a child is gifted, he/she can improve his/her skills with more clarity. It is vital to give an accurate and right stimulation as soon as possible to avoid the deterioration of precious ability.
Is Dermatoglyphics testing scientific or medical basic?
Both. Dermatoglyphics is based on many sciences, viz. medical sciences of genetics, embryology, dermatoglyphics, brain science etc, use of observation, recording, contrast, inductive learning methods coupled with clinical experience. It was concluded that from the striae we can accurately analyze the child's multiple intelligences and potential personality.
Is Dermatoglyphics test an IQ test?
Dermatoglyphics test is not an IQ test but an intelligent narrowing definition of striae test of multiple intelligences, including linguistic intelligence, logical and mathematical intelligence, spatial intelligence, body - kinesthetic intelligence, musical intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, introspective intelligence, and last but not least naturalist intelligence, which is included in the eight intelligence, where "IQ" can be simply summarized as a simple test which takes into consideration only logical and mathematical intelligence test.
Is Dermatoglyphics testing Palm Reading or Palmistry?
No, striae test is based on the most advanced scientific and medical research. Besides, Dermatoglyphics testing refers to the growth in human hands, protruding ridges on the soles of the feet, which is a lifetime constant while palm readers target at hand-held self recessed lines, which keep changing over a period of time
What happens during a Dermatoglyphics assessment?
All you have to do is place each finger on a machine that scans your finger prints. In less than a week your report will be ready for collection. The report will be around 40 pages long. The Certified DMIT counselor from DMIT will analyse and interpret the full report and explain all its fine prints to you. Preserve this report for Life as it will be your friend, philosopher and guide in the future.
Brain Path Counseling
MRG ROAD Near Sadin Pratidin Office House no: 79 Pragati Apartment Flat no: 2D Guwahati: 781003